A Favorite Day of the Week?

A Favorite Day of the Week

The cadence of the week is all but too familiar: Monday always comes to mind as the somewhat dreaded start of the work week. We then strive towards “hump” day Wednesday, followed by a more anticipatory “TGI” Friday. And finally, there’s the weekend. But with our connected devices, work even continues through the weekend. The…

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Self Storage Value Pricing On The Internet

Self Storage Value Pricing On The Internet

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Warren Lieberman, President of Veritec Solutions, will be a panelist on what is an increasingly critical topic, Value Pricing on the Internet, at the SSA 2019 Fall Conference & Trade Show. The panel will be held on Thursday, September 5th, at 8:45AM in the MGM Grand, Las Vegas. Jim Mooney, Jr., of…

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Clearing Up the Month Boundary Myth of Self Storage

Clearing Up the Month Boundary Myth in Self Storage

What time of the month do Self Storage Operators really change their prices? Anecdotally, we often hear that Self Storage operators are more likely to revise prices at the month boundary. By that, we mean either towards the end, or at the beginning, of a given month. Intuitively, this makes sense, as there are several…

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