Key Performance Indicators
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) are one of the more commonly used metrics to measure the success of businesses. KPI’s help track critical components of your business and measure progress against predefined goals. But KPI’s don’t simply need to look in the rear-view mirror measuring past performance; KPIs can also be predictive. According to “Key…
Read MoreIntroducing the VRMS DASHBOARD
Introducing the VRMS DASHBOARD. We are excited to introduce the Veritec Revenue Management System DASHBOARD. This powerful addition enables self-storage operators, who are Veritec clients, to see store- and portfolio-level information easily and quickly. The DASHBOARD provides information explicitly designed for both senior management and pricing analysts. At-a-glance data is presented in a way that…
Read MoreDay of Week Pricing During the Pandemic
Self-storage operators continually adjust and change their rent prices. The question then becomes not only by how much, but by how often? We looked at any given week, which day or days did operators make those changes. In short, we looked at day of week pricing during the pandemic. In a previous blog about rental…
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