Different Pricing Strokes for Different Folks

Veritec Solutions collects prices on a daily basis from over 1,500 self-storage companies, operating more than 18,000 stores. Analyzing such data gives tantalizing insights into the different pricing strategies of well-established operators. In this article by Dr. Warren Lieberman, he provides a brief yet rather detailed analysis that explores the following questions:
- How often do self-storage operators change prices?
- When operators did change prices, how big where they?
- Within the United States, what were regional pricing differences?
- What are some of the competitive implications of such pricing behaviors?
This article appears in the Summer 2019 issue of THE KEYSTORE, the The Official Newsletter of the Pennsylvania Self Storage Association (PASSA). You can also download the specific article in the link below.
by Warren Lieberman | Published in THE KEYSTORE, The Official Newsletter of the Pennsylvania SSA, Summer 2019