Types of Projects

Veritec Solutions Project Types

Veritec offers a comprehensive range of consulting services. We work closely with clients to put in place a strategy and process that fits their business model and needs…sometimes this includes software, sometimes not.

Strategic Consulting

Assessment and evaluation of current overall decision support capabilities and/or specific functional areas (such as revenue management, pricing, product design, marketing, operations/logistics planning, sales efforts/metrics) and formulation of the best directions for moving forward with a program for enhanced revenue and profitability.

Opportunity Assessment

In conjunction with strategic consulting or independently, these assessments are in-depth diagnostics of the opportunities for improved profitability via revenue enhancements and operational efficiencies. The outcome of these assessments is specification of the most effective approach to capitalize on these opportunities.

Quick Wins

Take advantage of near-term opportunities (already identified or identified during an opportunity assessment) for profit improvement, focusing on changes to processes, policies, reports, communications, or simple analytical tools. Veritec will help you take conceptual ideas and put them into practice.

Process Improvement

Assessment and redesign of the business processes and organizational structure to support a successful decision support program.

Product Evaluation

We provide unbiased assessment of the best Pricing/Revenue Management product to meet your specific needs, including support throughout the purchase and installation process.


Assessment of the benefit level obtained from your various decision support programs relative to their full potential, and provision of a plan for narrowing the gap.

Interim Departmental Management

On occasion, companies find that they do not have the management science leadership they seek. We provide such leadership on an interim basis to ensure that opportunities are not lost or delayed because they are relegated to too low a priority. We can also provide similar leadership in project-managing decision support projects that cut across constituents within an organization, to ensure that the project is executed in the most effective way for the organization as a whole.

System Design and Development

As mentioned previously, Veritec offers design, development, and operational rollout of decision support tools and systems for our clients. We work side-by-side with clients to ensure successful adoption and enhancement of new systems.


Ultimately, for ongoing decision-making, systems and/or proceeses require successful rollout and acceptance by users and the organization as a whole in order to gain optimal results. With our experience and focus, we do not let this final, critical step fall through the cracks. We work side-by-side with clients as necessary to ensure adoption of new systems and process and to help modify if necessary based on learnings from ongoing use.